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If you do extended activity sessions, you become much more familiar with answers used during board play. Doing Follow Up sessions doubles the number of times you meet, alternating between a board game session, then a Follow Up session for review activities. Some organizers might offer prizes to participants that complete both sessions. (6 players to a board game group is max...4 is ideal.) Some organized person needs to set up and manage meetings.
At the end of the first board play session, participants pick an Assignment activity they will need to complete for the Follow Up meeting (see list below). Activities should focus on game card challenges just played. Participants will decide/or be assigned different activities to share for the 2nd session.Leader(s) might motivate the follow through by preparing a snack, a recognition or a privilege for those who do their assignment. A party is suggested for anyone who successfully achieves the Certificate of Completion (found in the Game Manual).
*****Any Follow Up study needs to be a very positive experience for everyone!
The Follow Up Session
a. Leader begins Follow Up session with a warm up scenario or a short personal experience related to the game session already played.
b. Leader makes copies ahead of time of each of the 7 card back answers already played (get from Share with Others booklet or the game box packet). Distribute these 7 challenge answers to all players.
c. Read the first challenge and have different people read the answers. (Every oral review helps embed.) Take just a few brief additional suggestions for an answer.
d. Participants then share completed assignments they had chosen to do from
the Assignments list. (Leader: be ready to do an activity in case no one came prepared.)
e. Leader(s) pass out small papers of game rules to each participant (they have run off in advance). Use the same format as the board game.
1. Reword the challenge "So you're saying..."
2. Ask a question to respond. (Use eye contact.)
3. Have an accurate response.
Next, choose or assign partners. Each partner will take turns playing both parts as Challenger then Responder. Spread out. Players MUST LISTEN very carefully to hear the leader's signals for timed responses.
f. Once partnered up, the leader reads the first challenge two times, then allows 1.30 seconds for each opposing partner to respond. Encourage people to try not to use their answer sheets .)
g. Once 7 challenges have been given, ask for evaluations. What went well?
Improvements? Did players reword, respond with questions, give eye contact? The leader needs to make comment on good practices observed.
Be encouraging. Sometimes it only takes one good answer to meet a
challenger's need. We should NOT overwhelm any questioner.
Congratulate all player's efforts!!
h. Have those who did follow up activities share what they did.
Schedule the next board game play. Dismiss on time.
10. Memorize one or more of the “Entrusted” card scriptures to recite.
11. Play Equipped? with another person or group. Share their reactions
Other ideas?
"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15
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